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How to enable broadcom wireless BCM4311 card on Linux Mint 11

This will be very quick and useful tutorial for people who try to install proper driver for broadcom wireless cards on Linux Mint (it probably works on Ubuntu and Debian like distributions). There are two drivers for broadcom wireless card on Linux. One is STA driver which is proprietary and the second  is b43 open source driver. I have installed Linux mint 11 and get problems with enabling wireless using STA driver. It does not work for BCM4311 cards  and you need to install b43 driver. Here is the solution.

Install b43-fwcutter
sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter
b43 module is blacklisted by default  you need to comment out that line.
sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

Put comment on line with following content

blacklist bcm43xx

To avoid whole  system restart, just restart b43 and ssb module

sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb
sudo modprobe b43

Click on your network manager to and wait a second to load all available networks. Enjoy!

Set mode on your wireless card driver (Open Suse)

During the past two day I was experimenting with my network interfaces on my Open Suse mashine. There are so many things that you can do. Maybe the most interesting is using aircrack-ng program for cracking WEP keys. Before you start with advanced things you need to learn about what you can do with some very usfull commands such as iwconfig. Type iwconfig –help for more information. It is much better explained than some curious programmer can do  blogging about it. But curious programmer can blog about some common problems using this command.

So what is the problem? For example, you want to changed mode on your wireless card (short explanation about modes can be also found with iwconfig –help ). You fire up command:

iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor

And you get very confusing output.

Error for wireless request :
SET failed on device wlan0 ; Device or resource busy.

So what is going on? It is your Network Manager applet which controls all settings about your network interfaces. You need to turn of it. To be sure about that, cause maybe the reason for this output can be some drivers failures, run this command.

ifup wlan0

And output is:

Network interface is managed by the NetworkManager -> skipping

To disable Network Manager controlling your network interfaces go to Yast -> Network Settings . In Global Option tab check Network Set Up Method to be Traditional method with ifup and click ok. Network Manager will be disappear from your toolbar. Try again:

ifup wlan0

And you should get something like this (this output is for my wireless card)

wlan0 name: BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN

Finally, change mode on your wireless card. But you need to stop interface.

ifconfig wlan0 down

And change mode.

ifconfig wlan0 down

Start your interface and type to iwconfig to ensure that mode is set.

ifconfig wlan0 up


And you can see that mode is set to monitor.

Google Earth is running on Linux

In my previous post, I had problem with installation of Google Earth using installation provided by Google. Thank to pererik87, I have added medibuntu repository following this tips in ubuntu docs. After adding repository, you get Google Earth in Ubuntu software center (I am running on Ubuntu 10.4). Install,run and It works like a charm.

Google Earth is not running on Linux

Today I have tried to install Google Earth on my laptop (running on Ubuntu 10.4). And I cant do it. On google earth site you have version for linux. And I downloaded, installed it, and tried it. I got error that it totally unknown for me.

Fatal error in __driConfigOptions line 1, column 0: unknown encoding.
Google Earth has caught signal 6.

First, I thought that is problem with my driver for 3d rendering (in previous version of Ubuntu there was 3d rendering performance issue with Intell graphic card). But in 10.4 that is solved and I have solid performance for 3d rendering.

I found this topic on google support forum where people  had same problem but on different linux distributions. Now, I really don’t know why google provide google earth version for linux that produce so many problems to run.

There are also the second way to install google earth, downloading source for debian package googleeart (something like that) and build it. I have tried that too and got same error.

Testing persistence layer (starting with facelets part 3)

Testing is very important in software development and there are so many testing framework. In Java ecosystem the most popular is JUnit and TestNG. I prefer TestNG. When you want to write test, frist you must know what do you want to test. There are several kind of tests grouped by where they are added in the software development process (unit tests, integration tests, system tests, system integration test,regression tests, acceptance tests,…). This is the 3rd part of Starting with Facelets tutorial.
In the  first part I have made html template using facelets library for simple blog app. In second part I have made persistence layer using GenericDAO pattern. Now, I am gonna test DAO objects.

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Easy changing Apache root web folder “www”

I have started to learn more about PHP.  I have basic PHP knowledge  but I ‘ve decided to learn advance concepts. So many people who love Java, C# and other pure OO languages, dislike PHP. I did it to, but I figure out that I learnt PHP  like procedural languages and I used it only for small piece of work. PHP is also object-oriented language (early versions had less implemented OO concepts than version 5). If  you want to work with PHP you have to install Apache and MySQL server. You can also run PHP on different web server and database server (for example Oracle) but this is common starting point for every person who  want to work with PHP.

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Making persistence layer (Starting with facelets part 2)

This is the second part of Starting with Facelets tutorial. To make  Blog app working we have to deal with persistence. I’ll use Hibernate for persistence mechanism (it’s integrated with JBoss platform so you don’t need to download additional jars and add them to project).  In the first part I have created JSF project in Eclipse and now I am going to create Enterprise app and EJB Project (for ejb beans and entities) in Eclipse and place existing web application in it. When create Enterprice application you have  to add DemoFacelets project (web app from the first part) and ejb project which is created in this part of tutorial.  The reason why I’m doing this, cause I’m gonna use EJB and all functionality of JBoss AS for deploying Java enterprise apps.

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How to install VLC 1.0 player on Ubuntu (Hardy, Interpid, Jaunty)

VLC is the best player for me. It’s very popular in Linux community. This is short guide how to get the newest version of the VLC player.

Before installation, Yo have to add GPG key. Run this command inside terminal.

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 7613768D

Now, add repository address according the version of Ubuntu you use. Fire up this command inside terminal:

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the address of repository in the end of file.

For Ubuntu Jaunty

deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main

For Ubuntu Intrepid

deb intrepid main
deb-src intrepid main

For Ubuntu Hardy

deb hardy main
deb-src hardy main

It is highly recommended to remove already installed version of VLC, if any.

sudo apt-get remove vlc  vlc-nox vlc-data

Finnaly, install the newest version of VLC player.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vlc  vlc-nox vlc-data


Starting with Facelets (part 1)

Today, JSF is the most popular Java web technology. You can find bunch of tutorials about how to start with JSF and most of these is useful for the lowest beginer level. If you want to make web app using some template or want to reuse template for several apps, You have to use Facelets. One of the main benefits of using Facelets is templating.

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Installing Maven 2.2.0 on Ubuntu 8.0.4

Today I’ve tried to learn GWT(Google Web Toolkit). It’s very powerful think and useful. I’ve also tried to combine maven2 with GWT using gwt maven plugin. But I’ve got problem. I can’t use gwt maven plugin with 2.0.8 version of maven(which is on my ubuntu 8.0.4 machine). If you want GWT and maven together you must have at least 2.0.9 version of maven install on your machine.
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